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Dive is a fully customized solution, so if you have any data need that isn't already developed, we'll be happy to create a customized solution for you. 


Customize game features and offers per user (for example, if a user completes 3 levels a day, I can adjust my Daily Mission target bar to show X levels per their habit. The same can be done for offers and customize per the user deposit habit.


Create live segments for marketing or user experience straight from Dive's platform.


Trigger a set of campaigns per live segment. Examples: onboarding flow, churn, about to churn, etc.

Marketing communications

Trigger marketing communication messages such as email, discord posts, push notifications, and inbox messages.

LiveOps Calendar 

Create new campaigns for monetization and engagement, pull a relevant segment, set the campaign time frame, select the events you want to be triggered and launch marketing communications.

Marketing integrations

Integrations to marketing ad networks, app stores, ESP, Discord, and many more. Dive can integrate into just about anything, just ask us.

A/B Testing

The ability to test game configurations.

Marketing Postbacks

Allows CPA marketing campaigns with a custom game event. This approach is less expensive than the store's CPA solution and eliminates the need to release a new game to the store with every marketing test.

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